
Super Excavators brings two decades of experience, advanced technologies, and a highly skilled team to microtunneling projects. We completed our first microtunnel project in Brookfield, Wisconsin, in 2001, and have since built up a microtunnel team that is second to none. This team has installed over 100,000+ lineal feat of microtunnel to date.
Super Excavators operates multiple microtunneling equipment spreads, including a pilot tube microtunnel system to carryout multiple projects throughout North America simultaneously. Laser guidance, gyroscopes, tachymetry and cameras help operators guide the process from the surface.
Completed tunnels range in size from 24 inches to 85 inches in diameter in ground conditions that span wet sands and silts to cobbles and boulders, and even solid bedrock.
What is Microtunneling?
Microtunneling is a trenchless construction technique where a microtunnel boring machine (MTBM) mounted on a jacking frame moves forward using jacks. This strategy is like the Jack and Bore method, but an operator controls the process remotely and above ground.
Microtunneling Benefits
Microtunneling provides a host of advantages:
- Enables accurate installation of pipes of diameters ranging from 24 inches to 120 inches
- Delivers accurate results for curved and long-distance drives
- Effective in soft, unstable and wet soils, bedrock, and in breaking down cobbles and boulders