On September 3, 2014, Super Excavators was awarded the Prime Contract for the City of Omaha Public Works Department, South Interceptor Force Main Project – North Segment and North Gravity Sewer.
This $21,477,321 contract includes: Construction of 4,025 LF of 42-inch and 48-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) force main, 960 linear feet of 54-inch PVC lined Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) sanitary sewer, construction of a valve vault structure, construction of a 64-inch steel cased tunnel under UPRR tracks by auger bored tunnel method, construction of approximately 2,480 LF of 72-inch I.D rock tunnel using tunnel boring machine including ring beam and lagging initial support system, construction of two working shafts for the rock tunnel, installation of 42-inch and 48-inch restrained joint force main installed by open-cut methods and supported on piles, and installation of two 84-inch Liner Plate tunnels under the UPRR Bridge embankment by shielded tunnel method and soil stabilization by jet grouting.