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South Interceptor Forcemain – North Segment & North Gravity Sewer

Location: Omaha, NE
Owner: The City of Omaha, Public Works Dept.
Completed: December 2017

This project includes 2,480 lf of 72-in. ID rock tunnel using conventional tunneling methods, with ring and beam lagging, at approximately 100 vf; completion of two working shaft for the rock tunnel construction; construction of a 64-in. steel cased tunnel under UPRR tracks by auger bored tunnel method; and installation of two 90in. steel casing tunnels under the UPRR Bridge embankment, and two 54” RCP microtunnels totaling 750 LF installed with an Akkerman SL74. Aside from tunneling, the project also includes: the installation of 42-and 48-in. restrained joint force main installed by open-cut methods and supported on piles; construction of a vault valve structure; blasting; vibration control and monitoring; and soil stabilization by jet grouting.