This operator is viewing the fruit of his labor from the cutterhead’s perspective. Recently, CRS Tunnelling, Inc. completed a 61m, 1800mm RCP culvert to twin an existing like diameter culvert under Highway 400 in Barrie, ON for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. An Akkerman Series II 720 #TBMand #TunnelingBoringSystem made short work of the installation, which was completed in less than a week in compacted sand and sandy clay ground conditions. The new culvert will assist in the conveyance of Hotchkiss Creek and features a 0.3m culvert embedment below the creek to facilitate fish migration. The culvert replacement is part of larger initiative to widen Highway 400, replace a six-lane overpass structure at Tiffin Street and rehabilitate a Barrie-Collingwood Railway structure, both built in 1955. The project was designed by Morrison Hershfield.