Location: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
Completed: December 2005
Super Excavators, assumed the Clybourn West MIS Relocation project from a bonding company whose client had gone out of business. The previous contractor was attempting to jack 72” RCP through saturated sands and silts. We found their tunnel boring machine stuck approximated 400 feet out of the shaft. Super Excavators decided to abandon this alignment, grouted the machine and pipe full, and redesigned the pipe alignment. We proceeded to mine 1,235 feet of 120” rib and lagging tunnel, placed 72” RCP in the tunnel and grouted the annular space. As part of the redesign, we sliplined 1,400 feet of existing 72” sewer with 48” HOBAS pipe and extended the life of this sewer by many years. This project was more than a year behind schedule and was impacting the progress of work on the Marquette Interchange road project when we took it on. The redesign work allowed us to complete the project in a few months, and allowed the adjacent road work to continue uninterrupted.